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March 14, 2011

Mission Statement: Acting on Passion

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're wondering - why? Why should I read this blog?...Is it going to be interesting?...Why is she writing, and who is she writing it for? So let me start this experiment with a mission statement:

In my personal career search, one of the most important things I look for is the ability of that potential job to allow me to act on my passion - creatively integrating communications strategies for people and purposes I believe in and look forward to supporting. In simple terms - I am passionate about sharing, and making people aware of the awe-inspiring companies and individuals in this world.

Especially in the past few months, I have observed and talked with high school students, college students and young professionals about finding excitement and expectations for quality of life. For me, my goals and aspirations have always revolved around things I love, am excited about, and interested in.

I think this generation has taken the wisdom of our parents to find "balance" (aka happiness) in our lives - or at least consistently pursue what we think will give us this. This blog, for me, is my way of acting on my passion for writing, sharing and communicating - and of course, my love of good coffee. Enjoy!



  1. I should've taken you to this amazing coffee shop in LB- absolutely delightful!! It's called Portfolio, if you're ever back here :)


  2. Thanks Tori! I will absolutely need to get back to Long Beach, bring my computer, and maybe send a blog from Portfolio!

  3. I cannot wait to read each and every post!!
