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March 15, 2011

Shout-Out to Inspiration

Inspiration -  For me, inspiration is a reminder of our passions and capabilities; It is an inner motivation awakened by an outside source (yes, I just made that up...thoughts?). I'm inspired personally by so many things, and I also think it's important to recognize and appreciate where inspiration comes from. So briefly, I wanted to thank the fantastic women who inspired me to write this blog:  

Alyssa Mayer - Your passion for social media is so evident in your work, and your advice has been invaluable to me in our friendship! Without our great discussions of social media and the marketing world today, I would never have considered sharing my thoughts and writings in this kind of forum. Thank you for opening up my eyes from the beginning!   

Alexis Ringwald - Your absolute courage to chart your own path and recognize that your knack for entrepreneurship and passion for making a difference as what you need to pursue made me realize how much I missed my passion of writing - for fun, how powerful my own creative ideas are, and that I had the capability to be as strong as you in embracing them! 

Maya Albanese - Your 'ramblings' over lattes and business were inspirational, and I realized how much I need to embrace my creativity, share my insights, and tackle this blog project I've been waiting to find the right topic for! Sitting in a coffee shop with you was the final puzzle piece in getting this up and rolling! 

Thanks girls! I hope I can be an inspiration to others as you have for me! 

Green is Great: A Look at Starbucks' New Logo

I've recently found myself embracing "green" in regards to my morning (and sometimes afternoon) affair. While it might normally refer to the amount of cash I spend on a great cup of caffeine, the release of Starbucks' new logo (along with their utterly amazing and yummy petite treats!) on March 8, reminded me that green doesn't always refer to the cash I'm spending, but when purchasing from Starbucks, it is so much more!

As my good friend and fellow blogger Alyssa Mayer wrote in her entry on the new logo,
"My classic white Starbucks cup now had a green siren sleeve…and I loved it! Starbucks has been consistent with its green color and now the logo is so recognizable you don’t even need the brand name around it to know it means Starbucks."

As the now 40-year company embraces the green coloring and siren that represents their storied history, they also embrace the modern concept of "green" - an idea that I am absolutely passionate about.  A corporation that is a true leader in business and social success, Starbucks is GREEN with social initiatives to take ethical, local and global responsibility, moving forward in more ways to build "greener" stores (not just with their logo and new products!), continue to protect clean water, and promote sustainable coffee.

Looking at this logo from a communications and marketing perspective, I love that this logo has so much meaning behind it. It relates to the original symbol of Starbucks (the siren), embraces  the core values of the organization (sustainable growth, among others), and symbolizes the 40-year milestone of a ground-breaking company.

As Howard Schultz, President and CEO of Starbucks writes: 
"Throughout the last four decades, the Siren has been there through it all. And now, we’ve given her a small but meaningful update to ensure that the Starbucks brand continues to embrace our heritage in ways that are true to our core values and that also ensure we remain relevant and poised for future growth."

I say, kudos to you, Starbucks! I'm proud to spend my "green" to support your "green!" 

March 14, 2011

Mission Statement: Acting on Passion

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're wondering - why? Why should I read this blog?...Is it going to be interesting?...Why is she writing, and who is she writing it for? So let me start this experiment with a mission statement:

In my personal career search, one of the most important things I look for is the ability of that potential job to allow me to act on my passion - creatively integrating communications strategies for people and purposes I believe in and look forward to supporting. In simple terms - I am passionate about sharing, and making people aware of the awe-inspiring companies and individuals in this world.

Especially in the past few months, I have observed and talked with high school students, college students and young professionals about finding excitement and expectations for quality of life. For me, my goals and aspirations have always revolved around things I love, am excited about, and interested in.

I think this generation has taken the wisdom of our parents to find "balance" (aka happiness) in our lives - or at least consistently pursue what we think will give us this. This blog, for me, is my way of acting on my passion for writing, sharing and communicating - and of course, my love of good coffee. Enjoy!
